Osteopathy And Children

From the birth of our children, they are exposed to many new experiences and stresses on their bodies.

Our Osteopaths are experienced at assessing, diagnosing and adapting treatment for their growing bodies.

Osteopaths can assist in the treatment of the following childhood complaints:
  • acute ligament sprains and muscular strains
  • sporting injuries
  • headaches associated with the neck or stress or tension
  • neck pain and torticollis
  • Osgood schlatter disease
  • Sever's disease
  • Perthes disease
  • shin spints

and many more musculoskeletal injuries and conditions that can occur during childhood.

Osteopathy And Infants

During pregnancy and also birth, babies are subjected to many stresses and strains to their little bodies, which may not resolve after birth and can manifest in different forms during their first weeks, months or even years of their lives.  Osteopathy can assist with treating these issues to help them continue with their growth and development.

Some of our Osteopaths have additional training to treat babies. At our clinic Rachael Barton specializes in the treatment of babies and children.   Please check with reception to ensure that you book with the right Osteopath for your child. Treatment is typically hands-on using gentle techniques in conjunction with education and advice to aid parents. Please note that our treatment for infants and small children never involves forceful joint manipulation techniques.

When can I take my baby to see an Osteopath?

You can bring your baby in for Osteopathic assessment and treatment at any age, but the sooner the better.  During birth, your babies cranial bones will overlap and change shape to allow the head to pass through the pelvis.  This process call 'moulding' usually unwinds, however sometimes stays compressed after birth, which may cause issues. 

As well as this, our babies are usually in the same position in the pelvis for a long time. This can cause a particular preference for the neck and head to rotate and sidebend and this can cause flattening of the head, difficulty with feeding on one side.  Also due to altered sleeping position this may be a potential risk for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH).

What are some of the conditions an Osteopath may be able to assist with?

Common ailments which we see in babies and infants that osteopathy may help to address the musculo-skeletal aspects of include:

  • colic
  • sleep disturbances
  • feeding issues (preference for one side, jaw dysfunction)
  • reflux or GORD (gastro oesophageal reflux disorder)
  • flattened head or plagiocephaly
  • excessive gas or tummy disomfort
  • neck muscle tightness or unable to rotate the head to one side
  • continuous crying after a long or difficult birth
  • crawling or walking difficulties or delay
  • Birth related trauma

Do I need a referral to bring my baby in for a check up?

No. You do not need a referral and we would be delighted to perform a thorough orthopaedic and musculoskeletal assessment of your baby after the birth.

Our practitioners will go through a medical history of yourself and your baby, including details on pregnancy, the birth process and also how your baby is tracking with feeding, sleeping, digestion and developmental milestones.

We will then perform an orthopaedic examination of your child's musculskeletal system and gently take the joints through their range of motion to see if there are any abnormalities to normal range and quality of movement.

Treatment is gentle and usually involves massage of the soft tissues and also other specific techniques to ease strain in the body and improve movement.

  We look forward to seeing you and your newest family member soon.  
Call: 5221 1877 Book Online Now
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