An Osteopath is a primary health care practitioner, which means there is no need for a referral. All you need to do is call and make an appointment. The only time you will need a referral, is if you wish to consult an Osteopath under Medicare, the Veterans’ Affairs scheme, Workcover or the TAC.
There are some similarities between the therapies with the conditions treated and the techniques used.
It is not the role of any health professional to try to define what another health care professional is or does. If you want a definition, it would be best to ask people in those professions. What we can do is tell you about the defining characteristics of Osteopathy, which are based on the following principles;
Osteopaths tend not to use electronic equipment during treatment and prefer to use their hands. Treatment is usually not an ongoing process and regular “maintenance” treatments are reserved for those with severe 'chronic' ongoing problems. Our aim is to “find it, fix it and leave it alone”.
Upon arrival you will be asked to complete a questionnaire detailing your presenting complaint and past medical history (if not already completed online). Your Osteopath will ask you questions about the history of your condition, as well as other details relevant to your condition.
A physical examination will follow which includes analyzing your patterns of movement. The examination of your body may include an assessment of adjoining regions to see if they may be affecting the problem area.
Your Osteopath will diagnose the cause of your complaint and will outline an appropriate treatment plan.
Your initial consultation will last 45 minutes and should further treatment be required subsequent consultations will be 30-40 minutes.
Osteopaths tend not to follow “recipes” for treatments, which makes it a difficult question to answer. Every individual patient who walks through our door is different, is treated differently and will respond to treatment differently. In general the longer the complaint has been there, the longer the recovery and the more treatment required. Many factors can influence your recovery such as posture, compliance with exercises and the frequency of your treatment to name a few. Your Osteopath will give you a clear idea as to how many treatments you will require.
Yes we do - more information available when you click on the headings below.
You can bring your baby in for Osteopathic assessment and treatment at any age, sometimes the sooner the better!
No. You do not need a referral. And we would be delighted to perform a thorough orthopaedic and musculoskeletal assessment of your baby after the birth.
Shockwave therapy involves using an applicator against your skin, which generates high-pressured soundwaves to break down targeted tissue and stimulate tissue repair. It is the same technology used to break down kidney stones in the hospital.
There are two main actions of shockwave therapy:
The high energy soundwaves have been proven to stimulate white blood cell production which promotes healing, stimulates collagen production to aid in tendon repair and breaks down soft tissue calcification. It has also been proven to reduce a neurotransmitter involved in sending messages of pain to the brain (substance P), which is a major cause of chronic pain. In summary, shockwave therapy causes an increase in tissue repair and brings about pain relief which enables the affected area to recover much faster.